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During Puberty

Stages of Puberty in Girls

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Puberty is a major milestone in any girl’s life. Girls usually get a few inches taller, more mature and start blossoming into young women. It is a mixed bag of experiences. Puberty is the biological phase that marks the transformation of the body from the juvenile to the adult stage. […]

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How to deal with acne breakout during puberty

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It is absolutely common and perfectly normal for teenagers to suffer from acne when they are going through puberty. Though acne is not a serious health hazard, severe acne might end up causing and leaving a few permanent scars. From the face and neck to the back and even chest […]

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Dealing with emotional ups and downs during puberty

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Your girl, during her puberty, is having a new experience when it comes to the number of emotions she is experiencing thanks to the changing hormones in her body. Every child is different, and so they all have different ways of dealing with puberty and the mood swings they experience […]

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